Join the Bachelor of Science 护理 program on the Portland campus.


The Portland campus is offering a limited number of visit days.

校园: 波特兰(10345 S.E. Market Street, Portland, OR 97216) | (509) 527-2330
平均绩点: 3.0或更高 (cumulative, 大学-level, non-vocational)
学分: 80+ transferable credits required by program start date
申请截止日期: 2025年3月1日.  For earliest consideration, complete application by February 1, 2025.  (夏季学期六月底开始)

B开头.S. in 护理 program on the Portland campus includes:

One 10-week summer term to complete all sophomore-level nursing courses, 培养临床技能, and gain clinical experience (on the Portland campus).

Two additional years of junior- and senior-level nursing courses on the Portland campus that includes a variety of clinical experiences in urban settings.


  • 解剖学 & 生理学: a full sequence of 10-12 credits with labs
  • 微生物学:4-5学分,包括实验
  • 化学: 5-8 credits with lab(s) (must be inorganic, organic and biochemistry concepts)
  • 营养:3-4学分
  • 普通心理学:3-4学分
  • 人类生长 & 发展(贯穿整个生命周期)
  • Statistics: must be descriptive and inferential. An additional math class is 不 required for the nursing major. Some community 大学 statistics courses require a pre-requisite math class of 100-level or above. Statistics courses with prefixes other than MATH or STATS may 不 be adequate.
  • Writing/English Composition: 8-9 credits of College Writing/English Composition including adequate content in research writing.
  • Speech (Public Speaking or Small Group Communication)
  • PE: 1 credit – activity courses only
  • 历史:美国大学一门课程.S. 历史, 世界历史, or Western Civilization; one additional course in history or philosophy required for graduation (approximately 8 credits).
  • Humanities: One course in introductory art/literature/music/philosophy, 批判性推理, 世界音乐, 戏剧/剧院, creative/poetry writing; one additional course required for graduation (approximately 8 credits).
  • 强烈推荐选修课: 
    • 特权 & Oppression (or Social Inequities/Social Problems)


  • 80+ transferable credits required by program start date.
  • 解剖学学分 & 生理学, 化学, and Microbiology more than 5 years old are 不 accepted (must be in-person, 不包括在线课程).
  • No grade lower than a C is accepted in all nursing prerequisites and cognate courses.
  • All transfer courses must be from a regionally accredited (NWCCU大学或社区学院.
  • All transfer courses must be a 100 level or above.
  • Advance Placement (AP) credit must be documented.
  • 先决条件要求如下  the same as graduation requirements.

Steps to applying to the Portland campus

1. 给护理顾问发邮件.

The advisor on the Portland campus is Lindsay Loa-Siahaan, email 波特兰

2. 向世界大学申请.

完成 online application and select nursing as your area of study. Make sure to select Portland as your campus. Once you apply, you will have access to your enrollment portal.

3. 请求记录.

Request the issuing institution(s) to send 所有正式 大学, 职业学校, College Board (for any Advanced Placement credits), and high school (unless you have 90+ 大学 credits) 成绩单 沃拉沃拉大学, either electronically (via the issuing institution's electronic service) to 成绩单 or by mail to the following address:

204 S. 学院大街

From the enrollment portal, you can see when these documents are received.

4. 获取推荐信.

护理专业申请人 三封推荐信 (preferred: teacher, employer, or co-worker,  家庭成员). Letters of reference can be filled out online or a paper copy be sent to WWU 招生 (address above). From the enrollment portal, you can see when these documents are received.

5. 完成 护理论文

Click on the link in the enrollment portal to access the online form.

6. 完整的 入院前测试.

You must apply to WWU prior to testing. Work with your nursing advisor to take the 健康科学推理测验 (HSRT), a 50-minute timed test that must be taken in English (see below).  测试费用是20美元.

A passing score on the 健康 Sciences Reasoning Test is 17 or above.

This 50-minute timed test has 33 multiple-choice questions that measures critical thinking skills of health science students. Test-takers apply their skills in a variety of different scenarios in the areas of analysis, 解释, 推理, 评价, 解释, 感应, 扣除, 和计算能力. 了解更多关于HSRT的信息.

完整的应用程序包括 以上所有项目,而不仅仅是申请表. To 申请经济资助, 沃拉沃拉大学's FAFSA code is #003799. 



Lindsay Loa-Siahaan, R.N., B.S.
(509) 527-2163